Thursday 9 February 2017

Question, A Dream with Half-Human Half-Animal [Jinn]

Posted by deenul haq  |  at  09:26


Salaams brother you have a very good and informative site about jinns. I have a question. I had a dream a creature appeared and said to me that it can and will do any task for me. It said nothing is impossible for it. It said it requires my permission to come before it can do what ever I want it to do. In my dream I told it that I will have to think about it and will let it know. It said it would give me time to think about and come to me again for an answer. It did not tell me where or what to it needsmy permission to come to. It was the same design as a human 2 arms 2 legs and a face. But it’s body parts were of different animals. Is this an evil jinn trying to harm me? What and where is it asking permission to come to? I really hope you could enlighten me as to this strange experience. I have had the same dream a few times. May Allah Almighty reward you for the wonderful information you are providing on this website.


Question, A Dream with Half-Human Half-Animal [Jinn]

Wa’alikum as Salaam
Brother, first of all, nobody has ever seen the real form of Jinn. However, the form that you describe has been described by many. History has recorded happenings from many people who claim to have confronted Jinn in deserts and desolate places on their journeys, when they would often travel.
It is believed that Vegetarians initially originated with Paganism, which refers to Greco-Roman polytheism, as well as the polytheistic traditions of Europe before Christianization. The people of that time worshiped DEMONS, without knowing they were in fact demons but considered them gods (nauzubillah). The demons, in return, would help the people for they would practice Shirk and please Satan for claim themselves as god of the moon, god of the sun (nauzubillah) etc.
Coming to the point, these so called gods appeared to the people for the first time as Half-Human and Half-Animal. When people saw that their gods are half human and half COW/SHEEP/GOAT etc, they stopped feeding on flesh from their cows/sheep etc. This is how vegetarians originated.
Pagan gods are mostly half human and half animal. We Muslims believe that it is Satan behind all this and indeed it is. To make humans worship gods other than Allah is the work of Satan, and these so called gods are the evil-jinn. People have dreams, both good and bad dreams. A Hadith from Sahih Bukhari and Muslim about bad dreams,
Narrated Abu Qatada: The Prophet said, “A good dream is from Allah, and a bad dream is from Satan. So whoever has seen (in a dream) something he dislike, then he should dry spit, three times to his left side and seek refuge with Allah from Satan, for it will not harm him, and Satan cannot appear in my shape.” (Al-Bukhari, Book #87, Hadith #124)
What you describe as half human half animal, only Allah knows best but I would say it was only your subconscious mind, if not then the work of a wicked Jinn. Recite Ayat-ul-Kursi and the last three Surahs and blow them onto your hands and then wipe those hands over your body. By Allah’s leave, nothing will harm you throughout the night.
I hope I have answered your questions. If you still want to know more, let me know and I will write more reference to paganism and the appearance of half human half animal jinn. Kuwait newspapers often have a section where they write about the stories of people who have recently confronted jinn. They often speak of seeing half human half animal creatures in real life, mostly when they travel from Saudi Arab to Kuwait by road during the night.

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