Sihr is an agreement set up between sahir and Satan, which stipulates that the sahir commit certain illegal or polytheistic acts, in return for the Satan assistance and obedience in fulfilling the sahir request.
Sihr is an act which brings one closer to, and with help, of Satan. the basic meaning of sihr is to make something appear in a form other than one. When a sahir make something false appear differently from its true form, it means that he has given an object a status other than its real one. Arabs have given it the name sihr because, it can transform good health into illness.
According to Muslim tradition, sihr is anything the cause of which is hidden, and which appears in a form other than its real one, with the intention to distort the reality of things and deceive. Sihr is a set of uqad (knots) ruqa (incantations) and words uttered or written or carried out in such a way as to affect the body of the subject (al-mashur) his heart or mind, without even coming into contact with him/her. The reality of shir is that there are some types that can kill, cause one to fall ill, or act as an obstacle against a man having sexual intercourse with his wife. Other types can separate spouses, and can make them hate or love each other.
Some sahara use the Quran as footwear to go to the toilet. Some write the Quranic verses with filth. Some write them using menses discharge. Some write them under their feet. Some anagrammatise (writing in reverse) the Opening Chapter (Al-Fatiha) of the Quran. Some perform salat without wudu. Some remain in a state if janaba.
Some sacrifice animals to Satan, without initiating the slaughter with the words: (Bismillah ar-rahmani ar-rahim) In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Beneficent and place the carcass at a location specified by the Satan. Some of them speak to planets and prostrate to them, instead of prostrating to Allah. Some of them commit incest (with their mothers or daughters) others, write incantations in a non-Arabic language, carrying overtones of kufr (disbelief).
From this standpoint, it is clear that al-jinn do not assist the sahir without something in return, and the greater the sahir disbelief is the more obedient the Satan is to him and faster in executing his orders. However, if the sahir abstains from committing acts of disbelief, as instructed by Satan, the latter will stop executing the sahir orders.
The sahir and the Satan are therefore two accomplices in disobeying Allah (swt). A look at the face of sahir will confirm what i have said about him; the darkness of kufr cover his face like a black cloud. If you get closer to him, you will discover that he lives in a psychological misery with his wife and children, and even with himself. He cannot sleep peacefully at night, with a clear conscience. He often wakes up in a terrified state several times at night in addition, most of the times demons harm his children and wife, and cause division and marital squabbles.
How to Magic Performed
It is first and foremost about the control over your mind! First the black magician attacks your mind and then body. The magician takes you to the mental state of depression, anxiety, anger and pain and then a stage comes when nothing seems good in the world. Such a person loses hope in Allah [swt] and becomes an easy prey for the Satan so it is easy to inflict any bodily pain on a person. People go to the practitioners of this black art and pay them to hurt or destroy or even murder other human beings. For this evil purpose, the services of evil Jinn are used. Prophet Mohammad [sm] said that the Satan runs in the blood of humans. It is this ability of the Jinn that the magician uses to inflict pain on another person.
How do we know that we are under the influence of black magic? Symptoms can vary from person to person depending upon the intensity of magic and the reason [job, marriage, health, etc] for which the magic was done. Some general symptoms are:
- Difficulty in reading Quran and offering Salat [for those who are in a habit of doing it. Those whose lives lack these blessings are already in some sort of hell.]
- Feeling tired without working
- Feeling irritated and angry without any reason or on trivial matters
- Pain in any part of body without any apparent reason or cause
- "Heaviness" on head, neck and shoulders
- Feeling pressure on heart / increase in pulse rate / increase in blood pressure
- Medical Reports always come clear even when you are in acute pain
- Difficulty at work and problems in family matters
- Erratic behavior of pet animals. For instance, birds will start screeching when they see a person who is under the influence of black magic because they can see the things that human beings cannot.
- Feeling a presence with you in your house or sometimes even seeing unknown beings or listening to strange sounds.
- Being attacked by beings in the form of an animal or Jinn in your dreams and waking up feeling physically drained, hurt or ill.
Some acute forms of magic have even resulted in cuts and bruises on body that appeared from out of nowhere to the complete possession of a person by a Jinn where he / she is unaware of his / her activities and surroundings and does things that he / she normally would not. But no matter how over-powering this black magic may look or sound, we should always remember that there is nothing more powerful in this world than our Creator, Allah and His words [Quran] can heal ANYTHING.
Preventive measures [for those who do not want to be affected by black magic]
How to avoid the influence of evil Jinn and magic if someone wants to avoid being afflicted by the black magic?
- Daily recitation of the Quran
- Offering of Salat
- Doing zikr of Allah [swt] at fixed time daily
- Reciting excessive Darood Shareef for Prophet Mohammad [sm]
- Keeping clothes, body and surroundings clean
- Recitation of Surah Falaq and Surah Nas before going to sleep as prescribed in the hadith below.
How can a person be cured of black magic? Besides following the above 6 points, also strictly follow these practices:
Recitation of Manzil [a collection of Quranic verses given at the end of this post] every day after Fajr or Asr salat. The use of these Quranic verses for the cure of magic is proven from the Sunnah of Prophet [sm].
Surah Al-Baqara to be recited continuously for at least 11 days in the house, between any time from Fajr to Asr salat. It is the longest Surah in Quran and if it is difficult to recite it in one sitting, then its audio should be played regularly in the house. To be on the safe side, continue with this practice even after 11 days. Those who have suffered black magic know that people who do it, will never stop and keep on attacking with magic again and again.
Give sadqa regularly, in form of money, as well as "zabiha" of animals [goat or hen]
Drinking of Zam Zam water or water at which Surah Fatiha or Manzil has been recited and blown.
Recitation of Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq, Surah Nas 3 times each before going to sleep. Blow it on your hands and rub your hands over your body from your head to toes. Hazrat A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) narrates:"Whenever the Messenger of Allah [sm] would become ill, he would recite the Mu'awwizat (Surah al-Falaq and Surah an-Nas) and blow over himself. When his illness was aggravated, I used to recite these two Surahs and blow my breath over him and make him rub his body with his own hand, for its blessings."
(Sahih al-Bukhari No. 4728)
There should be NO pictures of living things, dolls, statues, mascots, stuffed toys or any thing resembling these in the house as the Jinn like to dwell inside such things. Clear your house immediately if you have these. Also avoid haraam music. Create 'hisaar' protective shield around your house and yourself.
Method of creating a protective shield
At the time of Fajr and Maghrib Salat, recite Darood Shareef 3 times, Surah Fatiha, Ayat-al-Kursi, Surah Kafiroon, Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq, Surah Nas and then again Darood Shareef 3 times. Then blow it on the right hand's index finger. Then envision your whole house and your family members and with this index finger, draw a circle around them horizontally 7 times. This should be done daily.
Using good non-alcoholic smells in the house as the evil Jinns abhor all things good and clean. Use rose water and also mix some of it in the water with which you take bath.
All bones of the meat [chicken, mutton, beaf] that you eat should be put in a separate place while saying "Bismillah" so that evil Jinn cannot eat it. These bones are the food of Jinn and should not be left lying all over the place. It is better if they are not put into your trash-bins but put into a bag and thrown at some place away from the house.
Recitation of the masnoon dua [prayers by the Prophet (sm)] of dawn and dusk after Fajr and Maghrib Salat.
Lastly, but most importantly, the stronger the belief in Allah, the quicker the person will be cured. Recite Quran and prayers of the Prophet [sm] with the strong BELIEF that you will be cured and you will be.
I hope this article helps the distressed souls who are suffering at the hands of the people who go to black magicians. Know one thing that if you suffered because of black magic, it was also Allah's will. No blessing or suffering comes to us without Allah's will. Trust in Him, pray and believe and you will be cured, inshaAllah. And in the end, I must say that I cannot stress enough the importance of Surah Al-baqarah and the 30 verses of Manzil.
Surah Al-Falaq
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the Daybreak (1) From the evil of that which He created; (2) From the evil of the darkness when it is intense, (3) And from the evil of malignant witchcraft, (4) And from the evil of the envier when he envieth. (5)
Surah An-Nas
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, (1) The King of mankind, (2) The God of mankind, (3) From the evil of the sneaking whisperer, (4) Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind, (5) Of the jinn and of mankind. (6)
Note: This article is written solely for the purpose of helping those who are affected by the black magic. All recommended precautions and cure are in the light of Quran and Sunnah.